Welcome to the DFG funded Research Training Group DynCAM (RTG 2717)

„Dynamics of Controlled Atomic and Molecular Systems“

The goal of our RTG is investigating and controlling the electron and nuclear dynamics of systems prepared in well-defined quantum states. Advanced techniques for the preparation of controlled atomic, molecular and cluster ensembles, as well as for the generation and characterization of ultrashort light pulses, are at the forefront of research in these areas. Through a series of complementary experimental and theoretical projects, the contributing groups will jointly attempt to investigate and disentangle these interactions and dynamics at cold temperatures and on ultrashort timescales. The PhD programme, a collaboration with the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada, offers dual supervision by researchers from both universities and allows an extended research stay at the UBC.


RTG Summer School 2025

20.07. – 02.08.25

Kloster Weltenburg

Please find more information here

Annual Convention 2025

25. – 30.08.25

UBC Vancouver

Contact: info(a)rtg-dyncam.de

For further information please see:

Press Release of DFG

Press Release of the University of Freiburg