Fabian Richter, Ulf Saalmann, Enrico Allaria, Matthias Wollenhaupt, Benedetto Ardini, Alexander Brynes, Carlo Callegari, Giulio Cerullo, Miltcho Danailov, Alexander Demidovich, Katrin Dulitz, Raimund Feifel, Michele Di Fraia, Sarang Dev Ganeshamandiram, Luca Giannessi, Nicolai Gölz, Sebastian Hartweg, Bernd von Issendorff, Tim Laarmann, Friedemann Landmesser, Yilin Li, Michele Manfredda, Cristian Manzoni,Moritz Michelbach, Arne Morlok, Marcel Mudrich, Aaron Ngai, Ivaylo Nikolov, Nitish Pal, Fabian Pannek, Giuseppe Penco, Oksana Plekan, Kevin C. Prince, Giuseppe Sansone, Alberto Simoncig, Frank Stienkemeier, Richard James Squibb, Peter Susnjar, Mauro Trovo, Daniel Uhl, Brendan Wouterlood, Marco Zangrando & Lukas Bruder.
With the contribution of numerous RTG members such as doctoral researchers, Post Docs, PIs, Mercator Fellows and guests of the RTG seminar, this article was published in the Nature journal on December 12, 2024.
Find more information in this behind the scenesarticle.
PhD defence – Moritz Michelbach
Congratulations to Moritz!
He graduated on „Spectroscopy of TIPS-pentacne vs pentacene attached to rare-gas clusters“ under supervision of Frank Stienkemeier.
RTG Summer School 2024
From August 4 to August 17 the RTG’s 3rd Summer School takes place at Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses Foundation in Spetses, Greece. The former boarding school was gradually converted into a training and conference centre and offers ideal conditions for a summer school. We are pleased to welcome 42 participants from 14 different countries. Please find more information here about the lectures and the invited guest speakers.
Summer School 2024
Invitation to Public Evening Lecture
Prof. Dr. Andrey Surzhykov (PTB Braunschweig) will give an evening lecture in the ancient open-air theatre of Spetses:
Measuring the World: The History and Future of SI
August 14, 2014, at 9 PM
Komtur Preis 2024 of the University of Freiburg
Nicolai Gölz received the Komtur Preis 2024 for his master thesis „Rapid Scanning in High-Resolution Coherent Spectroscopy“ under supervision of Frank Stienkemeier.
From July 29 to August 2 the RTG’s 3rd Annual Convention took place in Freiburg. We are very pleased to welcome numerous guests from UBC Vancouver and HZB Berlin. We are particularly looking forward to the presentation by our guest speaker Prof. Peter Hommelhoff from FAU Erlangen. The RTG’s PhD students reported on the status of their doctorates and were able to present and discuss their projects during a poster session.
The winners of this years‘ poster award:
1. Carina Hobbs, UBC Vancouver
2. Arne Morlok & Fabian Richter, University Freiburg
3. Max Flach, University Freiburg / Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
PhD defence – Daniel von Schönfeld (b. Hönig)
Daniel graduated on „Trapping Ions and Ions Coulomb Crystals in Optical Fields“ under supervision of Tobias Schätz.
March 2024 – PhD defence Friedemann Landmesser
Congratulations to Dr. Friedemann Landmesser!
He graduated on „Multiple-quantum coherence spectroscopy of alkali ensembles in the gas phase“ under supervision of Lukas Bruder und Giuseppe Sansone.
This year’s annual conference of the RTG DynCAM was held from August 21-26 at UBC Vancouver. We would like to thank our cooperation partners at UBC for their hospitality and special thanks to Prof. Takamasa Momose and his group for the excellent organisation. A total of 65 PHD students, postdocs and professors from Freiburg, Berlin and Vancouver presented and discussed their projects. The doctoral students from Freiburg were also able to visit the laboratories of the collaborating research groups from UBC.
July 2023 – PhD defence Cristian Medina Hernandez
Congratulations to Cris!
He graduated on „Single-shot and pump-probe imaging of nanoplasmas induced in helium nanodroplets by intense laser fields“ under supervision of Frank Stienkemeier.
Congratulations! Tobias graduated on „Control of chemi-ionization between metastable helium and lithium by quantum state selection“ under supervision of Katrin Erath-Dulitz.
02.06.2023 – New article in Science by Sebastian Hartweg et al.
Emergence of solvated dielectrons observed for the first time
The paper was written as part of the research work for Tobias Sixt’s dissertation at the Institute of Physics at the University of Freiburg, under the guidance of Katrin Erath-Dulitz (AG Prof. F. Stienkemeier).
RTG DynCAM Summer School 2022
Our first RTG Summer School on the topic „From Cold Atoms to Cold Chemistry: Experimental Aspects and Theoretical Foundations“ will be held from September 25 to 30 at the Konfuzius Seminarhaus, Bernau (Black Forest, Germany). We are delighted to welcome the following speakers: Guillaume Salomon (Hamburg), Timothy Softley (Brimingham), and Philipp Strasberg (Barcelona).
RTG DynCAM – 1st Annual Convention (Freiburg)
From August 29 to September 2, 2022, the first Annual Convention of RTG DynCAM takes place at Katholische Akademie in Freiburg. We are happy to welcome our collaborative partners from UBC Vancouver and HZB Berlin.
After the start of the new DFG Research Training Group 2717 in January 2022, the RTG Kick-off meeting will take place on 19 & 20 May. The meeting enables the new doctoral students from the various working groups to get to know each other and exchange information about the projects.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our guests: Christoph Bostedt (PSI Villigen), Pascal Weckesser (MPI Munich), Andreas Wituschek (Zeiss), and Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel).
Hike to Haut Koenigsbourg, Alsace
January 2022
Start of the DFG funded RTG 2717 – Dynamics of Controlled Atomic and Molecular Systems –