Extreme ultraviolet time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy:
University of Freiburg, january 8-10, 2025
toward the ultimate probe of molecular dynamics
Date: 08. – 10. January 2025
Venue: Aula & Prometheushalle, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universtät 3, 79098 Freiburg

The 2.5-day workshop aims at bringing together the relatively young but rapidly evolving field of time-resolved XUV photoelectron spectroscopy to discuss trends, potential and challenges of a promising experimental method for the study of ultrafast dynamics in molecular samples. Technological advances in the fields of light sources and charged particle detection in the last decade have allowed to push photoelectron spectroscopy towards higher probe energies allowing measurements with higher temporal resolution and wider observable energy range.
Similarly, advances in the theoretical description of molecular dynamics and prediction of experimental observables provides more and more detailed theoretical insights.
The program, comprising invited lectures by leading experts and pioneers in the field as well as hot topic contributions by young researchers, is organized in three sessions. The topics comprise general aspects and XUV TRPES studies of molecular samples, complex sample environments (clusters, liquids, surfaces) as well as detector systems, including angular distributions and chirality. In all sessions, we aim to combine experimental and theoretical contributions. Each day concludes with a panel discussion to provide a platform for indepth discussion among all participants. In addition to the three sessions there will be a poster session providing the opportunity for informal exchange between all participants.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Freiburg!
Lukas Bruder Sebastian Hartweg
Registration & Abstract submission
The workshop is organized by Sebastian Hartweg (sebastian.hartweg AT physik.uni-freiburg.de ) and Lukas Bruder (lukas.bruder AT physik.uni-freiburg.de).
General requests by mail can be addressed to
Our workshop is generously sponsored by: