A Photoionization and ultrafast dynamics
A1 Development of a low-dispersive phase modulation scheme for interferometric XUV experiments (Fabian Richter)
A2 Attosecond time delays in small molecules (Barbara Merzuk)
A3 Molecular Photoionization Dynamics (Rudolf Smorka)
A4 Investigation of Correlated Electronic Dynamics by Nonlinear Attosecond Spectroscopy (Samuel Kellerer)
A5 Extreme ultraviolet wave pocket interferometry using tabletop high harmonics generation (Sarang Dev Ganeshamandiram)
A6 Coherent control of molecularphotoionization at the FERMI Free-Electron-Laser (Aaron Ngai)
A7 Generation and application of high-order harmonic radiation for the investigation of electron-correlation driven processess (Benjamin Steiner)
A8 Investigation of Continuum-Continuum-Transitions in XUV photoionization (Marvin Schmoll)
B Particle interactions and cold chemistry
B1 Quantum State Transfer in a Micromaser (Andreas Woitzik)
B2 Atom Ion interaction in optical traps (Joachim Siemund)
B3 Coarse-graining Methods and Thermodynamics of Open Quantum
Systems – Micromaser (Anja Seegebrecht)
B4 Many-particle correlations in complex quantum systems (Eric Brunner)
B5 Investigation of many-body effects in dilute gases using phase-modulated coherents spectroscopy (Friedemann Landmesser)
B6 Trapping Ions and Ions Coulomb Crystals in Optical Fields (Daniel von Schönfeld)
B7 High resolution photoelectron spectroscopy on size selected metal clusters (Steve Takouan Tchounga)
B8 High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy on deeply cold gold clusters anions (Maziyar Kazemi)
C Excitation and charge transfer dynamics in larger molecular systems
C1 Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of molecules embedded in different environments (Yilin Li)
C2 Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of ultrafast molecular processes (Arne Morlok)
C3 Ultrafast electron dynamics in gas phase acene clusters (Kevin Schwarz)
C4 Numerical search for free energy minima of acene clusters (Philipp Elsässer)
C5 Entanglement and quantum information in analogue black holes : analogue Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) (Giorgio Ciliberto)
C6 Pump-probe studies of transient phenomena in the laser processing of silicon carbide (Hanan Mir)
C7 Photo-activated process and charge transfer in aggregates of organic molecules attached to rave gas clusters (Alexandr Demyanenko)
C8 Effective mode theory for open quantum systems (Lucas Weitzel Dutra Souto)
C9 Spectroscopy of acene derivates in rare gas matrices (Moritz Michelbach)
C10 Electron Transfer and Singlet Fission in Molecular Systems (Karin Thalmann)