A printed copy of the Book of Abstracts will be provided for the workshop.

XUVTRPES Workshop 2025 – BoA

Day 1Wednesday, January 8
16:30-18:00Lab tours
18:00 – 22:00Welcome reception and poster session
Day 2 Thursday, January 9
Session 1
8:45-9:00Opening remarks
9:00-9:35Daniel Rolles:
Studying UV-induced ring reconfiguration reactions with XUV TRPES at free-electron lasers
9:35-10:10Rocio Borrego-Varillas:
Few-femtosecond UV pump – XUV probe spectroscopy of organic compounds
10:10-10:50Coffee break
10:50-11:25Francesca Callegari:
Charge-directed reactivity
11:25-12:00Albert Stolow:
Direct Observation of Electronic Coherences in Molecules from Time-Resolved Photoelectron Angular Distributions
12:00-12:20Hot Topic 1:  Stefano Severino
Probing the Non-Adiabatic Relaxation Dynamics of ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde via sub-20-fs UV-XUV tr-PES
Session 2
13:50-14:25Sonia Coriani:
Theoretical approaches to (time-resolved) photoelectron spectroscopy across different frequency regimes
14:25-15:00Thomas Wolf:
Insights into ultrafast photochemical dynamics from XUV and soft X-ray spectroscopy
15:00-15:20Hot Topic 2: Xiaojun Wang
Probing electronic relaxation decay of photoexcited thymine using time-resolved XPS
15:20-15:40Hot Topic 3: Katharina Theil
Investigating Photoinduced Dynamics of a 1,4-Azaborine with Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy
15:40-16:20Coffee break
16:20-16:55Michael Thoss:
Quantum dynamical simulation of intramolecular singlet fission
16:55-17:30Ulrich Höfer:
Time-resolved photoemission orbital tomography
17:30-17:50Hot Topic 4: Michael Heber
Unleashing Functionality in Molecule–2D Material Systems
17:50-18:10Hot Topic 5: Andrea Trabattoni
Correlation-driven attosecond photoemission delay in the plasmonic excitation of C60 fullerene
Day 3Friday, January 10
Session 3
8:30-9:05Russell Minns:
From Roaming to Ring Opening: Photoelectron spectroscopy of gas phase chemical dynamics
9:05-9:40Oleg Kornilov:
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of molecules in aqueous solutions
9:40-10:00Hot Topic 6: Xincheng Miao
Ab Initio Nonadiabatic Dynamics for Photochemical Processes
10:00-10:40Coffee break
10:40-11:15Bernd von Issendorff:
Metal cluster photoelectron spectroscopy: surprising results and new tools
11:15-11:50Giuseppe Sansone:
Attosecond metrology and spectroscopy with the RABBIT technique
11:50-12:10Hot Topic 7: Geoffrey Carneiro
Decoherence phenomena of electron dynamics in liquid water
Session 4
13:40-14:15Philipp Demekhin:
Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions (MFPADs): A sensitive access to molecular structure and dynamics
14:15-14:50Laurent Nahon:
Recent results on PECD: from static to time-resolved approaches 
14:50-15:10Hot Topic 8: Marcel Mudrich
Ultrafast relaxation processes in photoexcited helium nanodroplets probed by XUV-TRPES
15:10-15:25Concluding remarks

Lab tours:
Tours are offered in the laboratories of Sansone (attosecond science and reaction microscopes), Issendorff (cluster physics and photoelectron detectors), Stienkemeier/Hartweg (TRPES), and Bruder (multidmensional spectroscopy).